I haven't updated in a while, I'm not sure which direction to take this blog at this point after the addition of my website, www.keriduckworth.com. I've been considering creating a blog there strictly for artwork and turning this one into a blog filled with inspiring photography, illustrations, animations, designs, and my own life happenings. Perhaps it will be a blend of both. For now, I will leave you with some eye candy. (No really, this first one has candy in it, yay!)

This piece was done as a panoramic for my "Game & Animation Art" class. USI rarely, if ever, offers classes like this, so I was BEYOND ecstatic. I was using Flash essentially for the first time. This scene drew inspiration from one of my all time favorite cartoons in the world, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack by Thurop Van Orman. (Go on, google him, he's got a magnificent beard.)

This was our first lip sync, although I won't post the full animation here just yet. Here we see a crab with a man arm. Natural selection has skipped over him, and he is not the happiest crustacean.

This is a still from my final animation. I will try to post the entire thing here soon, but for now, feast your eyes upon the still. I would like to eventually go back and work on this animation a bit, adding in more detail and refining some of the movements, as they still need some work.
So there you have it! I will continue to update with more artwork until I am caught up to my current projects. On an unrelated note, you should check out the following link if you are into photography or wolves. The article features a little bit about the photographer, Shlomi Nissim, and her take on Little Red Riding Hood.